....Right this Rrom...
Confessions of an International Adoptee
As early as grade two I received inaccurate labels, like ADHD.
At age 17, doctors discovered my mild murmuring heart.
At age 17, doctors discovered my mild murmuring heart.
Doctors categorized me bipolar before thirty.
Trusting others to tell me myself,
because I was told to listen to my elders and the professionals,
I popped prescribed pills as an adolescent and young adult to fix my broken.
I popped prescribed pills as an adolescent and young adult to fix my broken.
I wanted to be responsible and follow Doctors' orders,
but by age 41, I nearly extinguished,
felt so disgusting, made me want to vomit.
Pile up of insults on top of injuries sucked spirit from my heart,
my body too sick and tired to put up a righteous fuss.
felt so disgusting, made me want to vomit.
Pile up of insults on top of injuries sucked spirit from my heart,
my body too sick and tired to put up a righteous fuss.
Miracles abound, mind over matter, the way, the truth, the light,
a little peace of god ruled in my heart of hearts somehow,
a little peace of god ruled in my heart of hearts somehow,
and I determined to live life worth living, heading for the hills sans pills.
Since 2009 I doctor myself engaged in liberal arts,
and since 2013 a student of Self Realization Fellowship.
July 2015 cardiologist reported that my heart murmur has disappeared!
(: but maybe might could return, not if I keep my current routine :)
I sense if I gave space, psychiatrist/psychologist would have similar say,
you see, I am myself and content, flexible, in moment, airy, solid, grounded,
so no sense to seek solace anymore from Peanut Gallery Drs.
Yes, desperately since 2009 I have been praying to cure totally my broken heart.
Imagining what they might look like, I did, I healed my broken heart and mind and booby.
Yes, miracles happen I have learned to trust. I breathe, refocus, and carry OM.
Imagining what they might look like, I did, I healed my broken heart and mind and booby.
Yes, miracles happen I have learned to trust. I breathe, refocus, and carry OM.
"Without vision people perish," many say.
Yes, I refocus on life not death, no matter what the media and people say,
I learned smart can be dumb, breaking a human being down, so I make amends.
And barely middle aged, I still learn how to make my own happy peace path safe sound,
human mistake maker, I am, magician to boot, onward upward with the arts.
And barely middle aged, I still learn how to make my own happy peace path safe sound,
human mistake maker, I am, magician to boot, onward upward with the arts.